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Mantra Meditation - Sounds for Creating Reality

Mantra Meditation - Sounds with meaning can be used for Creating Reality within the mind. Then, the mind with the universe delivers into the physical reality what was already "sealed or bound in heaven"

Monday, April 17, 2006

Islam Muslim Mohamed (PBUH) Teaches Destruction of Jew and Christian in Koran?

Mohamed (PBUH) Teaches Destruction of Jew and Christian in Koran?
Mohamed (PBUH), The Muslim Profet wrote the Koran. In its pages are verses that have become quite controversial in recent days. The verse in RED at Koran Controversy Jew Christian Destruction? is at the center of one of the most heated debates in recent history. Read it and it's context for yourself before coming to any conclusions.

Since you've now read the chapter and the RED Verse, let's bring to light a few points.
1. Holy Writing of Profets are use poetic alegorical prose.
For Instance, When Jesus says, "You must eat my flesh and drink my have everlasting life."
2. Earlier, The Koran Says:

[2.62] Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

3. The verse says, "May ALLAH"
"May bombclad fundamentalist take who it too literally to savor the deep spiritual connotations extremists."
The Point here is that when GOD (or ALLAH in Arabic), sets out to destroy, he destroys the EGO, the Illusion, the Darkeness, while he SAVES Lives... think - Jonah/Nineveh

Continued in a recorded podcast "How to See the Koran's Message of Jew and Christian Destruction From the Light of Peace" Click on the MP3 Link to hear it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the mp3 link isn't working. Can you please re-post this?

-- Pat

4:23 AM  

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