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Mantra Meditation - Sounds for Creating Reality

Mantra Meditation - Sounds with meaning can be used for Creating Reality within the mind. Then, the mind with the universe delivers into the physical reality what was already "sealed or bound in heaven"

Sunday, May 14, 2006

How to Meditate - The Foundation Concepts. Positions Mantras Vibrations

Meditation comes in many shapes and sizes. So what is the correct way to meditate? You may lean toward saying that there is no correct way. Or that whatever feels good to you is the right way. In many sences, the above views are correct. But for the most part, you would be incorrect with this perspective.

Let me explain. The body is the most sensitive portal or "antenna" into the spiritual realm. If you've ever had to install a DSS Satellite Dish, you know that just one degree of missalignment can ruin your signal. The body is somewhat similar. There are meridians, qi pathways, vibrations, heart pulses, and cranio-sacral pulses, organ pressures, and much more that "tune" your body to a "frequency."

If your heart beat "frequency" is too low, you'll fall asleep. If its too high, you'll never reach REM. If you're back is arched, your cranio-sacral pumping "frequency" will be strained and your organs will be unable to "let go (of the physical world)." And your hand position and tongue position create dominant energy channels that flow through the organ of your choice.

So, without going into too much detail here are the cliff notes... The full detailed lesson is at:

1. stand or sit on your hip bones. leave your groin unobstructed. the vagina / prostate are major energy channels that must remain open.

2. curl your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This connects both conception and the governing vessle - front and back.

3. choose a hand position that addresses your intention (too complex to explain here see: ).

4. use dynamic breathing. this is also too complex to address here but suffice it to say that you are not supposed to breathe. you are to let the universe breathe you. in other words, be effortless. do not put your attention on your breathing, put your attention on your breath. remember that your breath is in your lungs, your blood, your cells, the trees around you, the birds that are breathing your exhalation. your breath IS the universe. this is the breath you are to concentrate on.

5. open the "mouth" of your feet and your palms. for simplicities' sake, lets just say your feet and palms must be bare and face upward. your feet can face upward by either sitting in full lotus or by kneeling. this is a crucial point. there are only 4 ways that elements enter your body. the obvious ones are the orifices in your head and the orifices in your groin. the other two are your hand and feet. If you sit in a tub, what are the only part of your body that get pruny? That's because the skin is letting water pass into your body. think about this.

6. rotate your eyes, your eyes are the gateway to the cosmos. this is just a hippy way to say your optic nerves connects to every meridian of your body (which by the way is a map of the cosmos :o). rotate your eyes as you would during REM sleep.

7. chant. the deeper vocal vibrations relax your muscles and nerves allowing more energy to flow. chanting is like an internal vibrating lazy-boy chair. use different frequencies as your body has different densities and harmonics.

8. observe. just be a passenger. see where the universe takes you with any expression of emotion. be absolutely objective. nobody wants to invite a judgemental personal into their home.

What do you think?


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