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Mantra Meditation - Sounds for Creating Reality

Mantra Meditation - Sounds with meaning can be used for Creating Reality within the mind. Then, the mind with the universe delivers into the physical reality what was already "sealed or bound in heaven"

Thursday, May 18, 2006

How to Attraction Beautiful Women with Meditation and Mantra

The Art of Attracting Beautiful Women Through Meditation and Mantra.
Have you ever seen a truly hideous man with a gorgeous woman on his arm? If not, think back to Lyle and Pretty Woman. Do you notice that these men seem to consistently get the same calibre of gorgeous woman?

It's easy to patronize women and say, "he must be rich." But in reality, there is more happening. The attrocious man who 'gets all the hot chicks' is able to convince women that he is irresistable. And he has no need or incentive to waste chi to convince you, another man, of the same (unless he is bi :-)

So how does he do it? You should already know the answer if you read the title. (above). He convinces people of what he wants them to believe because BE BELIEVES IT FIRST.

He believes that he is sexy and handsom so deeply that women in his path have no choice but to fall under the same spell he himself is under. Interestingly, the word "Spell" in ancient Hindu Sanscrit IS "MANTRA."

So, What is this SPELL or MANTRA? Listen and become transformed into having these same internal representations echo throughout your soul:

How to Attraction Beautiful Women with Meditation and Mantra

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