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Mantra Meditation - Sounds for Creating Reality

Mantra Meditation - Sounds with meaning can be used for Creating Reality within the mind. Then, the mind with the universe delivers into the physical reality what was already "sealed or bound in heaven"

Friday, May 19, 2006

Casting Spells - How to Cast a Powerful Spell

How to Cast a Powerful Spell
Have you ever noticed that if you say something boastful, the opposite happens. If you say, "I've never broken a plate," "I've never been fired," "I'll never end up like my Mom/Dad," "I would never date him/her," the opposite tends to happen. Many people have. Some knock on wood.

Have you ever noticed that you may go months without thinking of someone and the moment you say their name, they call you? Many people have. They say, "Speak of the devil."

Have you ever hummed an old song to find it playing on the radio when you turn it on? Many people have. Some brush it away as mere coincidence.

Have you ever noticed that you tend to have the same types of problems in your life. You might have successfully quit drinking/smoking a dozen times. You may be repeatedly falling in love with the same "looser" but just with different names. You may find yourself in the same chronic dead end jobs or recurring health problems. Isn't it as if you were hypnotised into repeating the same patterns over and over again. Isn't it as if you have a powerful spell or incantation over you?

The common thread through these few examples is that WORDS HAVE ESOTERIC MYSTICAL POWER. The words you speak have creative power. So much so that a mystic and friend of Jesus of Nazareth said about the BEGINNING, "In the BEGINNING the WORD was, the WORD was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD."

You have the power to create and shift destiny through your very words. Learn how to master it and use it at will... constructively... Hear the Free Primer on HOW TO CAST and BREAK POWERFUL SPELLS At Will. Now.


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