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Mantra Meditation - Sounds for Creating Reality

Mantra Meditation - Sounds with meaning can be used for Creating Reality within the mind. Then, the mind with the universe delivers into the physical reality what was already "sealed or bound in heaven"

Friday, May 19, 2006

Your Computer Doubles as Your Meditation Hypnotherapist - Without the Hypnosis

How to Deeply and Rapidly Reprogram Your Mind through your computer and a Meditation Mantra.

We all have mantras floating around in our minds. The fortunate few of us have healthy mantras implanted by our loving parents. They have mantras from their childhood that sound like, "people love me," "I am adorable," "my hunger is nourished before i even have to make a fuss," "people like cleaning up my sh-t."

The rest of us, well, have mantras that sound like, "Why can't I be as smart as Jimmy?" "I am worthless." "I'm no good with names." "I'm such an idiot!" "My Dad likes Johnny Walker more than me."

So spiritual masters came up with meditation systems designed to clear out the garbage and bring in the positive. That process starts with getting in touch with your subconscious.

To reach that state, Meditation wheels - samsara -were used to rapidly trigger deep conscious REM states. You could stare at it or you could have it spin to make you dizzy. This is the same principle as a hypnotist waving a pendulum and telling you that "you are getting sleepy."

The principal difference with meditation is that we don't want you to fall asleep. We want you totally conscious and alert while in touch with your deepest subconscious. While this connection takes place, you can introduce a new "suggestion," or "mantra (english - spell / incantation)" into the fiber of your mind.

So, while you achieve a LUCID Subconscious state, your mind will be able to deeply accept and integrate new mantras through meditation. New mantras enter into you all day long and change the way you feel and think. As an adult, this happens generally through friends, television, music, and the media at large. Sad songs make you sad right? Well, a proper mantra can actually make you happy, sexy, smart, healthy, or successful. This being the case, why not Personally CHOOSE the mantras you want to have flowing through your mind?

Enter to begin.


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